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CRIO Directors Training

The CRIO Governance team led by Director Ngosa Chisupa conducted a two day directors training for 15 participants from Nkwazi Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Limited at Lusaka Legacy Resort.

The Workshop was opened by the Nkwazi Coop Board Chair, Mr Chibuna Muteto who emphasised that Nkwazi Coop was growing in terms of membership and we’re looking forward to building capacity in terms of leadership and governance.

The goal of the training was to enhance the board members and Management governance and leadership competencies, to foster improved board Dynamics , communication and collaboration.

At the end of workshop, participants received certificates. The Board Chair thanked CRIO for the comprehensive directors training.

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CRIO Directors Training

The CRIO Governance team led by Director Ngosa Chisupa conducted a two day directors training for 15 participants from Nkwazi Cooperative Savings and Credit Society

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